American Studies 410: How to Study the South Today, taught by Elizabeth Engelhardt, the John Shelton Reed Distinguished Professor of Southern Studies, has been featured in the journal Southern Spaces. Taught in Spring 2015, AMST 410 engaged in an innovative teaching exercise: a contest. Together, students chose the most interesting example of interdisciplinary methodology in a recently published southern studies article, reading articles in a number of different publications including Southern Spaces, Southern Cultures, MELUS, the Bitter Southerner, American Quarterly, and American Literature, among others.
Considering “approach, research design, genealogy of scholarship, and strength of method for each text, and intentionally privileging issues of methodology,” AMST 410 chose Simone Delerme‘s 2014 Southern Spaces article, “‘Puerto Ricans Live Free’: Race, Language, and Orlando’s Contested Soundscape,” as its contest winner. You can read more about AMST 410 on Elizabeth Engelhardt’s blog post for Southern Spaces.