Adjunct, Affiliated and Emeriti
Adjunct Professors
Daniel Anderson (English and Comparative Literature), Fitzhugh Brundage (History), Maggie Cao (Art History), Claude Clegg (African, African American, and Diaspora Studies; History), Kathleen DuVal (History), Philip Gura (English and Comparative Literature), Glenn D. Hinson (Anthropology)1, Heidi Kim (English and Comparative Literature), Jocelyn Neal (Music)1, Michael Palm (Communication), Eliza Richards (English and Comparative Literature), Jane Thrailkill (English and Comparative Literature), Timothy Tyson (Center for Documentary Studies at Duke), Ariana Vigil (Women’s and Gender Studies).
1 Core members of the Folklore program
Affiliated Faculty
Anna Agba-Davies (Anthropology), Danielle Christmas (English and Comparative Literature), Tyree Daye (English and Comparative Literature), María DeGuzmán (English and Comparative Literature), Candace Epp-Robertson (English and Comparative Literature), Rebecka Rutledge Fisher (English and Comparative Literature),Amanda Graham (Carolina Performing Arts), Juliane Hammer (Religious Studies), Jillian Hinderliter, (Women’s and Gender Studies), Danielle Hiraldo (Director, American Indian Center), Jordynn Jack (English and Comparative Literature), Martin Johnson (English and Comparative Literature), Scott Kirsch (Geography), Valerie Lambert (Anthropology), Hassan Melehy (Romance Studies), Danielle Purifoy (Geography),Sara Smith (Geography), Angela Stuesse (Anthropology), John Sweet (History), Lindsey Taillie (Nutrition), Matthew Taylor (English and Comparative Literature), Katherine Turk (History), Benjamin Waterhouse (History), Harry Watson (History), Molly Worthen (History)
Professors Emeriti
Robert Allen, Marcie Cohen Ferris, William Ferris, Peter Filene, Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, Bernard Herman1, John Kasson, Joy Kasson, Daniel W. Patterson, Theda Perdue, Rachel Willis, Charles Gordon Zug.