Hearty congratulations to Sara Camp Arnold Milam, who in a few short years has transformed the Southern Foodways Alliance’s Gravy from a black-and-white, twelve-page print journal to a colorful, rich, and filling sixty-page quarterly publication and biweekly podcast … and who in recognition for her efforts has received a 2015 James Beard Award for Publication of the Year! Read more here.
From Sara: “It was such an honor to win the James Beard Award for publication of the year. I’m pleased that the Beard Foundation recognized our multi-platform approach to storytelling—first a print magazine, and now a sister podcast. I’ve been editing the print side of Gravy for five years now, beginning when I was a grad student at Carolina. I’m so grateful for the education I received in the folklore program, which helps me ground Gravy’s content in foodways and cultural studies scholarship.”
Sara’s thesis, “Branding and the Value of Folk Narrative: The Carrboro, North Carolina Farmer’s Market,” was supervised by Marcie C. Ferris (Chair), Bernard L. Herman, and Danille E. Christensen.