Katy Clune, a first-year student in the department’s MA program in Folklore has received a scholarship to attend The Textile Museum’s Fall Symposium in Washington, D.C. this October 12-13. This year’s symposium is titled “From Village and Court to Global Commodity: Southeast Asian Textiles” and includes presentations by: Ruth Barnes, Senior Curator of Indo-Pacific Art, Yale University Art Gallery; Jill Forshee, Cultural Anthropologist, Columbia College; Ellison Findly, Professor, Religion and Asian Studies, Trinity College; Tim Johnson, Director of Sales and Marketing, Jim Thompson America; and Sandra Cate, Lecturer, San Jose State University. (More information about the program is online at http://www.textilemuseum.org/symposium/index.html.)
Katy Clune, Folklore Graduate Student, Receives Conference Scholarship
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