First year MA candidate Jaycie Vos recently published an essay about her work on New Roots in Oral History in the Digital Age, a product of an Institute of Museum and Library Services. New Roots is an oral history project led by Dr. Hannah Gill of the Latino Migration Project in collaboration with the Southern Oral History Program, UNC Libraries, the Center for Global Initiatives, and the Institute for the Study of the America. Since 2007, faculty, staff, and students have conducted oral histories about Latino migration to North Carolina. Thanks to a generous award from the NEH, the New Roots team is working to provide access to these oral histories to regional, national, and global audiences in new ways, including a bilingual site to be launched in spring 2016. Vos writes about the inception of this forthcoming site and the process of increasing visibility, reaching larger audiences, and improving access through metadata and new mapping features. Vos’s essay is part of a set published by the Oral History Association Metadata Task Force, which Vos helped to found in 2014. See related essays here.
Jaycie Vos’s New Roots Work Featured on OHDA
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